Create Realistic Voiceovers for Your Next Project

Online voice generator with natural Text to Speech. Generate high-quality speech MP3 using 260+ realistic AI voices from Amazon, Google, IBM and Microsoft."

Rated Excellent on Trustpilot


Trusted by 7000+ users and teams of all sizes


Use the Best Text to Speech AI Voices

Choose from a growing library of 907 natural sounding voices with humanlike intonation in 142 languages and accents powered by machine learning technology.

Play Icon  Aria  
Play Icon  Ryan  
Play Icon  Noah  
Play Icon  Jessica  
Play Icon  Mia  
Play Icon  Guy  
Play Icon  Ronald  
Play Icon  Clara  
Play Icon  Jenny  
Play Icon  Margie  

Export in MP3 & WAV formats

Convert text to MP3 and WAV formats. Create high-quality audio files using different sample rates. Download, export or embed the audio files any number of times.

Export in MP3 & WAV formats
Save Time

Save Time

Unlike waiting for delivery when working with voice actors, you can instantly create audio with

Commercial & broadcast rights

You are free to use the generated speech files for commercial and personal use with full rights.

Commercial & broadcast rights
Distribute audio with Podcasting Solution

Distribute audio with Podcasting Solution

Turn text in to podcasts to increase content reach and brand presence. Publish your audio files on iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and Google Podcasts using RSS feeds.

Unlimited Revisions

Edit the text, change the emotion, set the tone - get creative! Do as many revisions you want before you creating the perfect Voice over audio.

Unlimited Revisions
907 AI Voices

Choose from a growing library of 907 natural-sounding Text to Speech voices across 142 languages and accents.

Speech Styles

Use expressive emotional speaking styles to make the voices sound more natural and engaging.

Multi-Voice Feature

Create conversation like voiceovers by using different voices for sentences in the same audio file.

Voice Inflections

Fine-tune Rate, Pitch, Emphasis and Pauses to create a more suitable voice tone.

Custom Pronunciations

Define how specific words are pronunced. Save and re-use those pronunciations when synthesizing speech.

Preview Mode

Listen and preview a single paragraph or full text before converting it to speech.

Frequently Asked Questions

AI Voice is a computer generated voice powered by machine learning and can generate speech from text with natural intonation and real accents. AI Voices are created by machine learning models that process hundreds of hours of voice recordings from real voiceover artists and then learn to speak based on the audio recordings. Today AI Voices are used in several applications due to their natural-sounding tone.
The text to speech synthesis is realtime in most cases, and only takes a couple of minutes to convert the input text into audio. Our TTS software runs in the cloud, so if you are converting large amounts of text then you can paste it in our voice generator’s interface and start the conversion. There's no need for you to wait for the conversion to finish. Once the audio is ready, the files will be available in your dashboard to download.
All our AI Voices support SSML features - rate, pitch, volume and pronunciations. You can add custom pauses for different punctuation marks to create a more natural speaking tone. Adjust the pitch of the voice to make it sound more deeper or child-like. The speaking rate allows you to increase or decrease the speed of voice. With our pronunciations library you can save custom pronunciations and use them whenever you create speech.
Yes, all our voices can be used for commercial purposes. Please refer to our Pricing page to select the appropriate plan that offers commercial rights.
Yes, we do offer a free version that allows you to preview all the available voices and convert a few words to audio.

Customer Reviews

Top-rated on Trustpilot, G2, and AppSumo

Manage audio files
Manage audio files

The service team was exceptional and was very helpful in supporting my business needs. Would definitely use it again if needed!

Kyle Remahl - Trustpilot
Amazing Text to Speech

The interface is clean, uncluttered, and super easy and intuitive to use. Having tried many others, is my #1 favorite. Many natural sounding high quality voices to choose from...

Nicholas Natteau - Trustpilot is the best!

I tried the bigger companies first and noting compare to this awesome website. The voices are so real that is amazing how AI is now. Don't waste your time in Polly, Azure, or Cloud; this is your text-to-voice software.

Abigail Vallejo - Trustpilot
So easy to use! was easy for me to use and add to my website. I am NOT computer savvy, so I appreciate the ease of this product. I believe this is going to help me stand out a bit from my peers.

Dena - AppSumo

Start creating engaging voiceovers for your projects